Pernegg an der Mur Live cam


Stream provided by Pernegg


Live camera with panoramic views of Pernegg an der Mur in Austria

Pernegg an der Mur is a commune with a population of 2,548 inhabitants, located in the territory of the judicial district of Bruck an der Mur and the political district of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag in Styria.

The name Pernegg, once called Bereneck, comes from the castle of the same name, built around 1100 by the knight Bero.

Situated in the Middle Mur valley south of Bruck an der Mur, Pernegg occupies a strategic position.

Within the Miknitz cadastral region there are two widely visited mountaineering mountains: Rote Wand (1505 m) and Rötelstein (1263 m). The highest peak of the Graz mountains, Hochlancz (1720 m), is located near the municipal area. Besides the Moore, important rivers in the area include the Breitenauer Bach and the Micknitzbach.

Pernegg witnessed the rise of the energy industry with the creation of the Pernegg run-of-river power plant by Steirische-Elektritätswerke-Aktiengesellschaft STEWEAG in 1925.

In addition, the oil-fired steam power station on the left bank of the Mur, built in 1958, ceased regular operation in the 1990s and was dismantled in 2006.


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