Peace Square & Kadan Castle Live cam


Stream provided by mesto-kadan


The live broadcast presents one of the key and ancient attractions of the Czech city of Kadan – Kadan Castle, located on the edge of a rocky cliff overlooking the Ohře River.

This fortress, shown on the webcam, was built in 1260 with the main purpose of protecting the city and initially served a purely defensive role.

During its existence, Kadan Castle, depicted in this live broadcast, was destroyed several times and witnessed devastating fires.

The Gothic structure of Kadan Castle, which stands prominently in front of you in the webcam, has undergone numerous reconstructions. As a result, only the basements and parts of the walls of the first floor have survived to this day in their original form.

Currently, visitors, both in person and online through this camera, explore the fortress’s Ceremonial Hall and a small museum telling the history of Kadan Castle.

The Kadan Castle shown in the webcam is a source of pride for local residents.


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Czech Republic - Cities/States