Pantura Route Trengguli Live cam


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📍 Demak, ID
🌤 26.35°C
  • Feels like 26.35°C
  • Humidity 💧 69%
  • Clouds 22%
  • Wind 🍃 0.63 km/h
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Central Java, situated in the heart of the island of Java, stands as a province of Indonesia. Its administrative hub is Semarang. The province shares boundaries with West Java to the west, the Indian Ocean and the Special Region of Yogyakarta to the south, East Java to the east, and the Java Sea to the north.

Spanning a total area of 34,337.48 square kilometers, Central Java hosted a population of 36,516,035 as of the 2020 Census, marking it as the third-most densely populated province on the island of Java and within Indonesia, trailing only West Java and East Java in population. The official estimate around mid-2022 noted the population as 37,032,410.

Additionally, the province encompasses several offshore islands, including Nusakambangan in the south, situated near the West Java border, and the Karimun Jawa Islands in the Java Sea.

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