Market Square, Kötten Live cam


This is a picture that is updated after a certain time!

Stream provided by hkimmo


The webcam shows the Market Square in the city of Köthen in Germany, with the image updating every 15 seconds. Köthen is a small town located in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany, between the cities of Halle and Magdeburg – the capitals of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Its area is 78.4 km², with a population of around 28,000 people. In the center of this small town is the Market Square (Marktplatz) – the main square of Köthen. The square is home to the historic town hall, a landmark and attraction of Köthen. Also located on the square is a Gothic Evangelical church. Through this webcam, you can see the church and the town hall in the background.


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