Freudenburg Town Live cam

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📍 Freudenburg, DE
  • Feels like 14.18°C
  • Humidity 💧 74%
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  • Wind 🍃 2.91 km/h
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Explore the ancient houses of Freudenburg through a webcam that allows you to watch the city in real time.

Freudenburg is a commune in the district of Trier-Saarburg in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, which is also twinned with the village of Apouagny in France.

In 1337, King John, Count of Luxembourg of Bohemia, laid the foundations of the town of Freuding at the foot of the Eiderberg. At that time it was part of the defense complex between Trier and Luxembourg and served to protect Herstrasse Trier-Metz. Over time, Freudenburg became the center for the surrounding villages.

Rebuilt after its purchase by the Imperial Abbey of St. Maximin, the county castle of Freuding subsequently became the object of a dispute between the abbey and Elector Philipp Christoph von Zörn. Occupied by troops of the Archdiocese of Trier in 1646, the castle was destroyed and never rebuilt. After secularization, the ruins were given to the Hospital community, who later sold them to the local authorities in 1861. Then in 1908 and again in 1980, local authorities carried out restoration and stabilization of the site.

Germany - Cities/States

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