Erasmusbrug bridge Live cam

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Webcam with a view of the Erasmusbrug and high-rise buildings of Rotterdam

The Erasmusbrug, also known as the “Swan Bridge“, is an unusual cable-stayed bridge crossing the Maas River in the heart of Rotterdam and is the first one on the sea side. Its unconventional design and distinctive asymmetrical features have made the pylon a prominent symbol of the city.

The architect of this innovative bridge design is van Berkel. Stretching over 802 metres, with a pylon rising to a height of 139 metres, the Erasmus Bridge demonstrates remarkable engineering. The southern segment of the bridge, further from the city center, boasts a swing span recognized as the largest and heaviest in Western Europe.

After an investment of more than 163 million euros in its construction, the bridge was officially opened by Queen Beatrix on September 6, 1996. However, soon after it opened to traffic in October 1996, it became apparent that the original design lacked adequate resistance to the powerful effects of gusts of wind. In this regard, measures were taken to install additional wind draft regulators to increase its stability.

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