Chiang Kai-shek Statue Park Live cam

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Chiang Kai-shek Statue Park is a collection of monuments to the late President of the Republic of China (ROC), Chiang Kai-shek. They are found almost everywhere in Taiwan, from parks to schools to military bases, and are usually made of a bronze alloy, although the material may vary from place to place.

Beginning in 1999, some of these statues were removed, and fierce debate over their fate began in 2007 in light of government initiatives led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which advocates for Taiwanese independence. This led to protests and opposition amid questions of culture and history.

Since then, the statues of Chiang Kai-shek have been moved to a central location and installed in the memorial park, where the webcam is located.

Relocating Chiang Kai-shek monuments has been proposed as an alternative path to resolving disputes, and has also inspired the creation of a similar initiative for Confederate monuments. Along with the construction of new Chiang Kai-shek monuments, incidents of vandalism occurred, usually coinciding with the anniversary of the 228 Incident.

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