Vietnam, officially known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is located in Southeast Asia on the Indochina Peninsula. The country borders Laos and Cambodia in the west, China in the north, and is washed by the South China Sea in the east and south.

More than 80% of Vietnam’s territory is covered with low and medium-altitude mountains. In the north there are blocky-folded ridges, including Hoang Lien Son with its highest point, Mount Fansipan (3143 m), Shusung Chaotai and Sham Shao, separated by narrow longitudinal valleys. The Truong Son Mountains (Annam Mountains) run along the western border. The central and southern parts of the country are characterized by plinth and basalt plateaus, such as Pleiku, Dak Lak, Lam Vien and Zilin, which make up the Central Plateau.

The largest rivers in Southeast Asia, the Hong Ha and Mekong, complete their journey by flowing into the South China Sea in Vietnam.

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