Argentina, officially known as the Argentine Republic, stands as the second-largest country in South America, following Brazil in terms of land area.

When it comes to population, it ranks third, following Brazil and Colombia. The nation comprises 24 administrative divisions, which include 23 provinces and the Federal Capital District of Buenos Aires.

Argentina holds the distinction of being the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world based on its expansive landmass.

Its capital is Buenos Aires, and geographically, Argentina is among the top ten largest nations globally, claiming the eighth position in terms of territorial expanse. The country occupies the southeastern section of the South American mainland, as well as the eastern region of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago.

Argentina shares its borders with Chile to the west, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, and Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast. To the east, it is bathed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, while the southern boundary is defined by the Drake Passage.


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