Cabarete Beach Live cam


Stream provided by villataina

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📍 Cabarete, DO
🌦 27.85°C
  • Feels like 32.95°C
  • Humidity 💧 88%
  • Clouds 13%
  • Wind 🍃 5.93 km/h
  • 🌥
  • Tue
  • 🌦

Through a webcam installed on Cabarete Beach, a unique opportunity is provided to observe the life of the small town of Cabarete, located in the province of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, in real time.

The city is renowned for its ideal conditions for water sports such as surfing, windsurfing and especially kitesurfing, making it a renowned destination for these sports on par with places like Tarifa in Spain and Mui Ne in Vietnam, for which it is sometimes called Cabarete “Mecca for kitesurfers”.

Founded in 1835 by Zephaniah Kingsley with his family and 53 slaves, the city is today home to some of their descendants. Located just 18 km from the Gregorio Luperon International Airport (Puerto Plata), Cabarete has grown significantly in population in recent years – from 4,094 inhabitants in 2004 to 14,606 in 2010, highlighting its growing popularity and development.

Dominican Republic - Cities/States

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