Saint Jean (Gustaf III) Airport Live cam

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🌦 28.93°C
  • Feels like 34.76°C
  • Humidity 💧 81%
  • Clouds 18%
  • Wind 🍃 7.99 km/h
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This airport, which the specified webcam is aimed at, is known by several names: Gustav III Airport, Saint-Barthélemy Airport, Remy de Haenin Airport and sometimes Saint-Jean Airport.

Located in the village of Saint-Jean on the Caribbean island of Saint-Barthelemy, this public airport has attracted attention not only for its beautiful views, but also for its features, including an extremely short runway, proximity to car traffic and the need for a special license for landing.

Because of these unique features, Gustav III Airport was ranked the third most dangerous airport in the world according to the History Channel documentary “The Most Extreme Airports”, behind only Toncontin and Lukla airports.

Contrary to sensationalist videos and media attention, experts emphasize that the airport is extremely safe and requires special certification for landing due to its unique characteristics.

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