Tsada Live cam


Stream provided by kitasweather

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📍 Mesógi, CY
🌤 30.84°C
  • Feels like 35°C
  • Humidity 💧 62%
  • Clouds 20%
  • Wind 🍃 3.43 km/h
  • 🌞
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  • 🌞

Immerse yourself in the unique charm of Tsada, a picturesque village situated 8 kilometers north of Paphos, Cyprus.

The live webcam provides a captivating view of the village’s distinct landscape, nestled at an elevation of 612 meters, offering a refreshing escape from the heat of Paphos.

The webcam captures the cooler climate of Tsada, which often experiences a significant temperature difference of up to 6°C compared to the coastal areas, especially during the sweltering summer months. This village is a rare gem in the Paphos region, where snowfall is almost an annual event by the end of January, blanketing the area in a serene layer of white.

Despite its modern development, Tsada retains a tranquil atmosphere with a few traditionally restored houses that echo its 500-year history. The live feed also showcases the Melissovouno Hill, home to Paphos’ television and radio antenna, providing a glimpse into the blend of the old and new.

Cyprus - Cities/States

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