Kemeri Resort Park

Kemeri Resort Park

Kemeri Resort and sanatorium has a long-standing fame and history. The resort gained its medicinal fame thanks to its mud and hydrogen sulfide springs.

The landscape park near the sanatorium was laid out in the middle of the 19th century. There are many paths for walking, architectural elements – rotundas, bridges, artificial channels. On the territory of the park there is an island of love on which there is a snow-white rotunda, on the roof of which you can climb.

Also here is the oldest Orthodox church of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The church is made in the style of wooden architecture. There are monuments dedicated to the First and Second World Wars near the church.

Also here is located Kemeri Hotel.For its appearance, it was popularly called the white ship. In the 20th century, it was one of the most popular hotels in Europe and had at least 100 rooms.In Soviet times, about 300 people could be treated here at the same time and the hotel turned into a sanatorium.Nervous diseases, gynecological diseases and joint diseases were treated here. Now the sanatorium is under restoration.

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