Brest panorama Live cam


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📍 Brest, FR
🌦 15.14°C
  • Feels like 15.22°C
  • Humidity 💧 96%
  • Clouds 100%
  • Wind 🍃 7.01 km/h
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • 🌦

A live webcam shows a panorama and the main square of Brest in France.

Brest is a city located on the northern shore of the Brest Bay of the Atlantic Ocean, in the western part of the Brittany peninsula in northwestern France. The city is one of the largest and most important trading and military ports on the Atlantic coast of France, housing a powerful naval base of the country. Brest’s attractions include the medieval Brest Castle, the church of Saint Martin built in the 19th century in a neo-Romanesque and neo-Gothic style, the Tower of Tanguy (14th century), and more.

The webcam is situated in the Brest City Hall (French: Hôtel de Ville de Brest), with the foreground showing the Square of Liberty (French: Place de la Liberté) – one of the main squares of Brest.

France - Cities/States

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