Scarborough Beach in Perth Live cam


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📍 Scarborough, AU
🌦 12.49°C
  • Feels like 11.67°C
  • Humidity 💧 72%
  • Clouds 42%
  • Wind 🍃 3.94 km/h
  • Sun
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Live webcam showing Scarborough Beach in the city of Perth, Western Australia.

Scarborough Beach is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the coastal suburb of Scarborough, just 13 km (16 minutes drive) northwest of the city center of Perth. The beach is about 3 km long, with fine white sand, and is a popular spot for kite surfing and wind surfing enthusiasts due to the good ocean breeze.

Along the coast of Scarborough, there are many hotels and apartments, restaurants and cafes, and various entertainment events are held on the beach itself. Getting to the beach is very easy, as buses regularly run from Perth to Scarborough. Scarborough Beach is one of the most popular beaches in the city of Perth, the capital of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, partly due to its good transportation connections with Perth.<

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