Petřín Hill in Prague Live cam


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A webcam is showing Petrshin Hill in Prague, Czech Republic in real time.

Petrshin Hill is a 327-meter hill located on the left bank of the Vltava River in the very center of Prague, it is a landmark of the city and a famous peak of the Czech capital. At the very top of the hill stands the Petrshin Tower, built in 1891, resembling the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The hill is home to many other landmarks, interesting buildings, and objects, including: Strahov Monastery, Kinsky Summer Palace, Church of St. Archangel Michael, Petrshin Gardens. Petrshin Hill is also an excellent viewing platform, offering a magnificent view of Prague and Prague Castle. In pagan times, the hill was a place of worship for the god of thunder Perun.

Czech Republic - Cities/States

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