Linz Live cam


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📍 Margarethen, AT
🌦 9.1°C
  • Feels like 6.25°C
  • Humidity 💧 93%
  • Clouds 83%
  • Wind 🍃 5.56 km/h
  • 🌦
  • Wed
  • ☀️

A live webcam shows the panorama of the city of Linz in Austria. Linz is the third most populous city in Austria, the administrative center of the federal state of Upper Austria, and a major industrial, transportation, educational, and cultural hub of the country.

The city is situated at an elevation of 266 meters above sea level, on both banks of the Danube River in the northern part of the country, 167 km west of Vienna. Linz was founded by the Romans on the site of the ancient Celtic settlement of Lentos and during the Middle Ages was part of the Holy Roman Empire.

The city has a moderately continental climate, with mild and snowy winters, and warm and sunny summers. The average winter temperature is -14°C, and in summer it reaches +20°C, with an annual precipitation ranging from 600 mm to 2000 mm.

Austria - Cities/States

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