Zhaotong Grand Canyon West Live cam


Stream provided by ybsjyyn

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📍 Xiangjiaba, CN
🌦 25.96°C
  • Feels like 25.96°C
  • Humidity 💧 74%
  • Clouds 85%
  • Wind 🍃 0.9 km/h
  • Wed
  • 🌤
  • 🌦

The live stream from The Grand Canyon West showcases springs that originate from a depth of 1,380 meters in the Valley of Jinsha River.

These springs are notable for “Three Highs and One Low”. The first high is their temperature, reaching up to 82°C. The second is the high concentration of metasilicate minerals, including metasilicic acid, strontium, sulphur, technetium, lithium, bromine, selenium, radon, and cuprum. Each liter of water contains 58.58 mg of metasilicic acid, well above the 25 mg/l benchmark for medically valuable spring water, making these springs of exceptional quality and health benefits.

The third high is the substantial flow capacity, reaching up to 8,000 cubic meters. The “One Low” refers to the low sulphur content, resulting in an almost imperceptible sulphur scent when visiting The Grand Canyon West.

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